South is a module to help managing database tables when you update models in Django.Steps to start using South described below.
Described here is case with existing project + database just created + no table created yet
see detail for other cases here >> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4840102/how-come-my-south-migrations-doesnt-work-for-django
Install South
detail here >> http://south.readthedocs.org/en/0.7.6/
sudo easy_install South
Initiate South in Legacy Project + No Database
1. add South to INSTALLED_APPS in your settings.py file (not add your application at this step)2. run python manage.py syncdb
this will create South table south_migrationhistory in your database.
skip this step, you will encounter error "Table 'app_name.south_migrationhistory' doesn't exist" when you run command python manage.py migrate app_name in step 5
3. now add your application to INSTALLED_APPS in your settings.py file
4. run python manage.py schemamigration app_name --initial
this will create initial migration record
5. run python manage.py migrate app_name
If any error occur, you can reset South history as described below.
Reset South History
detail here >> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4625712/whats-the-recommended-approach-to-resetting-migration-history-using-django-soutin case of any error, use following commands
rm -r appname/migrations/
python manage.py reset south << see NOTE below before run this command
python manage.py convert_to_south appname
then drop all related database tables, and initiate South again as described above.
- reset south will delete ALL migration history for all apps that you have installed.
avoid using this if you only want to remove migration history of some specific app. selectively delete from table south_migrationhistory instead.
e.g. delete from south_migrationhistory where app_name = 'homepage';
- last command, convert_to_south, use to avoid dropping all your tables. it is equivalent to these two commands
python manage.py schemamigration --initial app_name_1
python manage.py schemamigration --initial app_name_2
python manage.py migrate --fake
Ongoing Maintenance
after modify models, run following commandspython manage.py schemamigration app_name --auto
python manage.py migrate app_name